Monday, May 26, 2008

an american crime

because of stephy's blog entry, i became intrigued about the movie... I wanted to see what went on and what prompted steph's reaction to the movie...

all i can say is... i wish i hadn't. it was gruesome. it was sick. it was disturbing.

halfway through the movie, i couldn't take in what was going on so i tried to search for the true story thinking that the real story is less brutal. but i was wrong...

the movie pales in comparison to what really happened

i was soo disturbed about the movie that i couldn't get a decent sleep and for the first time, was actually talking in my sleep (according to lui). and i woke up with gastric problems. yes, the movie is THAT bad.

the worst part of the movie for me is KNOWING THAT IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. :(

in all fairness, ellen page (of JUNO) did a great job portraying sylvia, the victim.

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