Monday, July 28, 2008

happy birthday best! :)

my bestfriend - Dave; we have a unique friendship since we dont really hang with the same group. however, we were able to build a solid relationship based on passing letters in school :)

i still remember those days when we'd see each other in the school corridors and would take turns asking each other "where's my letter??" we'd write everywhere! in a piece of scratch paper, at the back of an exam paper, tissue, etc... name it, we've done it :) those letters were really precious as it helped me go through high school. i'd rant, gush on my crush, dream on those letters :)

when we graduated we continued to write each other thru e-mails (thank god for technology!) or call each other. hay i sure miss those days :)

i remember during the wedding, when clarice asked the men to carry me, my barkada all volunteered him to carry me :p haha maybe they know he wont drop me? or maybe, they dont think they can carry me? hmmm hahaha

any... happy birthday bestfriend DAVE! :)

eventhough I'm not around for your birthday, I truly hope that you'll have a great birthday! go have fun and drink lots! :p you're still my ONE FRIEND :)

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